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We have all heard about "climate change solutions" Wind / Solar / Biofuels... But you Likely have never heard of G.E being used.
An enormous business is involved in climate change solutions made possible by the recent change in Regulatory status under 7 CRF part 340. A future gold mine will be patenting traits used in Animals, Plants, and microorganisms and leased to public lands and lands in conservation as solutions to adapt to climate change.
This deregulated and likely unlabeled tool can come in many forms like drought resists sagebrush or trees that fight disease and restoration of fire-damaged areas. Genetic engineering has been used in wolfs as an inserted trait that will more likely keep them shy to humans and in mosquitoes to kill off other diseased mosquitoes.
Most of these rules are made possible by USDA APHIS-WS and USDA APHIS-BRS
This technology should be labeled and tracked in the name of science!
United States of America