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I sent a message to Mike Lee because of my research on current "proposed bills" in this committee that he will now chair so that he can understand the new federal rules. Hopefully, he will ask my questions to the agencies involved. I have spoken with many lawmakers, senators, and congressmen over the years, and 100% of the people I have contacted know nothing about these federal efforts and are surprised to learn about them.
The rule changes will allow massive biotechnology efforts under patented genetic engineering with lease agreements on our public lands under the name of "conservation."
On Jan 2nd, 2025, This is what i wrote,
"Dear Mr Lee, I would like you to take a moment to understand my concerns, which are crucial for you to acknowledge in your new position on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Then, please respond to my two action requests below... or at least acknowledge and reply to them.
Three major shifts in biotechnology regulations occurred in 2024, all directed by Executive Orders like 13990, 14008, 14072, and 14081. These mostly publicly hidden changes will burden public funding and have long-term effects on the health of the public's environment that your position oversees... all of which has never had a proper Environmental impact statement (E.I.S) done that would investigate the ramifications of the technology released into the natural biosphere.
The first insulating federal action of 2024 is the 6/1/2024 change to the NEPA Act, called "phase 2." This change leaves out public oversight of "science-based decisions" and mandates the use of "science" for climate change resilience whenever possible—FYI, "science" is often used for the application of biotechnology. The rewrite also opens up the use of "Category exclusions," or C.E. for short, which includes biotechnology.
Second, the 5/6/2024 changes to the Endangered Species Act will allow the use of C.E by developers without oversight by way of HPCs (Habitat Conservation Plans) and ITPs (Incidental Take Permits) listed in sections 7 and 10. The new rule also indemnifies biotechnology developers for unintended results, while the developer will never publicly be named while producers will be available to self-oversee their ITPs paperwork with limited public involvement.
Third, is the 11/12/2024 "exclusion" to biotechnology regulations from the USDA APHIS division that will allow massive undocumented biotechnology experiments and funding to be used for climate change solutions... to adapt to a changing climate.
I ask that you present my question to Fish and Wildlife Services regarding biotechnology methods (in plants and animals) that have been and/or are currently planned for use in public lands... i.e., in the H.R.8954 - Public Land Renewable Energy Development Act of 2024 that will fund 25% of all revenue to "restoration projects." By efforts of NGOs. State and FWS...ect.
Secondly, i ask that you might give me an interview for a documentary i am filming through an organization i have constructed. Byandforthepeople.org that can offer more insight on this topic.
I want to make myself available to you for any questions you might have.
Josh Wilson
Call or text me directly at
Or come on over to draper for lunch.
United States of America