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We feel that recent actions of new US biotechnology disrespect human health and the environment by releasing organisms into nature without public involvement Or environmental impact statements.
We demand conversations about new biotechnology that Executive Order (EO) 14081, "Bold Goals for U.S. Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing:", along with the newly re-written NEPA Act, "Phase 2" that went in effect on 7/1/2024 and the recent 11/13/2024 USDA/APHIS decision to "exempt" most genetic engineering accompanied with the rewrite of the Endangered Species Act section 10. together, these programs foster the reason for the mission of “By and for the people, “which is to create awareness of this New technology. It is USDA APHIS, CEQ / WhiteHouse driving these decisions.
We are not asking for money. Please support us by becoming a member. We will reach out to the government and media to request better coverage of the topic G.E., which deserves a public conversation. You will only receive two News updates by email a year!
Please Note that By and for the people organization is not against GMOs or possible future G.E technology… Just in the way of recklessness and undocumented pursuit without public conversation.
Now Available for de-regulation that will be used for breeding, and patients
When APHIS-BRS asked the public about bio-regulations named " Draft Guidance for Requesting a Regulatory Status Review (RSR) under 7 CFR part 340 (“Guidance”)
Biotech executive orders had little to no media coverage (EO 13610 & EO 14081)
The USA has the loosest genetic editing de-regulation rules along with Ecuador, Brazil,
Argentina, and
Future de-regulated creations from G.E. Plants, Animals, and microorganisms released into Nature
Being a member of By and for the People gives you the opportunity to contribute and support outreach efforts and requests to the media to report on genetic engineering and biotech regulations in the US and around the world.
Thank you for joining as a member!
We will contact you via email with more information relating to your membership. Thank you for the support!
United States of America